About us

The netlabel Paproota.org emerged in 2009 as a platform for distributing dub music in its various styles. The idea was to share for free the kind of sounds that the founders (members of Jabbadub at that time – Dino Dub Selector & Dusza) relished the most. Hence the name Paproota, which is a combination of ‘paprotka’ – Polish word for ‘fern’, representing, commonly available plant and ‘roots’, referring to the rootical vibration of the dub genre. The concept was warmly welcomed not just by fellow dub producers, who ever since have been sharing their works via this netlabel, but also, most importantly, by thousands of visitors to the website. Throughout its existence, Paproota.org have released many SPs and EPs, as well as some full albums, among which Paproota Dub Compilations have become the most recognizable ones, nowadays standing firmly as the flagship publications. In 2014, driven by the mission to widespread the positivity of the music presented on Paproota, Dusza started the construction of Paproota.org sound system, which in today’s form consists of 8-scoops, 6 single g-subs and 5 mt121, making it one of the most powerful sonic equipments dedicated to low-frequency basslines, spacious reverbs and delays and steady rhythms in the area of border Tripoint between Poland, Germany and Czechia. Even after reshufflings in the personnel department, Paproota.org continues its efforts to promote the beloved vibes in the publishing, event, and the sound system field.